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Monday, August 02, 2004

Wow, talk about the wrong weekend to be away from your computer. Lots to talk about as what I thought was going to be a relatively quiet trading season heated up big time. Before I talk about all the other things that happened in MLB a couple of comments on the Jays this weekend.

Nothing doing on the transaction side and for the most part I'm OK with that. I would have liked to have seen Delgado dealt but it just wasn't going to happen as he did not want to waive his no trade clause. Not really sure why he wouldn't want to go to a contender, especially since JP is going to show him the door at the end of the season. But, I'm not one of the people who are going to trash a guy for not waiving his no trade. He wanted it in his contract for a reason and the Jays agreed. Would have liked to have seen Zaun dealt as he's been hot since he started playing and I thought he might have some value. We've got Cash up with the big club and Quiroz waiting in the wings of AAA. If he passes through waivers I think a deal to the Dodgers could still be possible

More on this trade later but one thing people have not talked about yet is the fact the main suitor for Delgado's services, the Dodgers, picked up a pretty darn good 1st basemen in Hee Seop Choi. He's young, cheap, good defensively and only looks like he'll get better with time. So where does that leave Delgado in the off season? We'll have to see how things shake out.

Congratulations to Alex Rios who hit his first career HR on Sunday. I'm telling you, this guy might be one heck of a special player. He's getting better with every at bat. He's had 2 hits in 4 of his last 6 games. What I don't like, is Tosca's decision to move him to the leadoff spot. I'd like to have him sit at the bottom of the order with less pressure. Let's not rush the kid. Though, I understand why Tosca's doing it. He's managing for his job next year and is willing to do just about anything to win games. I respect that. I just don't agree with it.

On the field it was a tough couple of games for the Jays as they lost both Saturday and Sunday to the D-Rays. All things considered, the pitching was pretty good. Once again the offense couldn't do their part. My boy David Bush got roughed up on Saturday and Sean Douglass gave up 4ER in 5 2/3. But, neither guy was expected to be a starter for the Jays this year so you have to take what you can. Dustin McGowan was supposed to be the young stud pitcher in Bush's spot and I don't think Douglass was expected to be anything more than a relief guy. It was encouraging to see the bullpen pitch so well though. Over the weekend their line was: 7 2/3 1ER 1H 8K 2BB. Not too bad.

The hot Ted Lilly goes tonight in Toronto against the Indians. It will be a good test for the pitching staff as the Indians have the #1 ranked offense (In terms of runs scored, not average) in baseball. Here is hoping for a sweep and another couple of jack-shots for Mr. Rios.