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Thursday, August 05, 2004

Wow, talk about getting smoked. Towers didn't have it last night and the hard hitting Tribe handed his hat too him. Not surprised to see them go off like this though. They do lead the bigs in runs scored for a reason. I didn't see him pitch but Kevin Frederick got hammered as well. All in all, it was a bad day at the park. That'll happen.

On the positive side of things the Jays did have 11 hits as Hinske, Wells, Catalanotto and Dave Berg! each collected a pair. I'm telling you, unless I'm missing something about an injury Berg has to be on the block. That is three starts in a row.

In the minor's, Chris Baker had a nice day for New Hampshire (AA) as he threw 6 innings giving up 2ER and 3H while striking out and impressive 8 batters. The Fisher Cats beat Bowie 3-2. In Syracuse (AAA) SS Russ Adams continued his hot hitting ways as he went 2-5 and catcher Guillermo Quiroz went 1-3 with a walk and a HR. Adams is now hitting .287 with a strikeout to walk ratio of 43-38. I say let Woodward walk, bring back Chris Gomez and let them share the duty until Adams proves he's ready to take over the position full time.