As I've sat watching the game I've decided to say what the heck and give the game log another chance. So here we go
9:09- Good start by the Sox as again their plate discipline has allowed them to draw walks and get good pitches to hit. They've been having great AB's dating back to game four of the ALCS and it is certainly one of reasons for their recent success.
9:12- Do we really need the mid-game managerial interviews? I guess I'm glad they don't happen live anymore but still. Do we really get any kind of info out of them? Eventually I'd think people would get sick of the information overload.
9:13- As I see Rolen make the play on Cabrera I'm reminded of the play he made earlier on Damon. That was one heck of a play to field on his backhand and make a strong throw to first as he moving away from the play. He can pick-it over there.
9:16- Little late getting this out but I'm not a big fan of the Card's bringing Morris back a day early. It's not like he's some kind of major ace/workhorse. He's got a bad wing and is not my idea of the type of guy I'd want to pitch a day early. Per the broadcast team, the reason he's pitching is due to his post-season experience. I don't buy it or agree with it.
9:20- Pujols is an animal. Watching him and Beltran go back and forth in the NLCS was an absolute treat.
9:21- Heck of a job McCarver. Rolen isn't bunting in this situation. Thanks, I wouldn't have thought of that.
9:24- For all the talk of the improved "D" as to why the Sox are doing better (I don't believe that at all by the way) it's funny that Nixon doesn't get mentioned ever. He's a great RF and was out of action for most of the year. Nice catch.
9:28- It's an error, a tough error, but an error non-the-less on Mueller. A ball hit hard like that on the in-between hop is pretty tough to make a play on. The Sox better clean up their defensive act or they're going to get bitten one of these times. For the most part they've been able to survive their miscues.
9:33- Dude, Morris. Put a hat on. What the heck is that on your head??!!
9:34- You know, I'd like to see the Umps give Time a little less to the hitters as they always seem to be able to back out of the box when the pitcher is in their motion. That really shouldn't be tolerated as much as it is.
9:36- Great job of bouncing back by Morris. Didn't look so good in the first but he's been dealing pretty well since. Before he hurt his shoulder I really liked him. He's got good stuff. When his curve is on there aren't many that are better.
9:39- Nice, just as I publish the good job by Morris he gives up another couple. Thanks dude.
9:42- Is it just me or is Fox playing more music than MTV? I mean, I guess I don't mind it that much but it seems like someone's IPod took over the production studio. I really shouldn't complain as there the music is the least offensive thing Fox does.
9:44- LIKE THAT! Coming out of commercial as a guy is taking a hack. That has to stop. Bud Selig what are you doing? Shouldn't you be calling Fox and telling them to broadcast the game? Do we really need another promo for their stupid shows???
9:48- Do you think McCarver knows he just contradicted his whole pitch count theory? First, he mentions Martinez and says how there's a history with him as to when he hits 100 pitches he struggles. Which anyone who knows anything about the Sox could tell you. Then, he mentions Schilling who is rarely, if ever, on a pitch count. If you're going to complain about pitch counts, you really should use examples that support your theory, no? Fox, put him out to pasture already.
9:55- You know. If I'm Morris and I've gone to a 3 ball count on Cabrera with no out and Manny and Pappi on deck I go into the clubhouse, set a ball on a tee, and tell Cabrera to swing away. I'd rather have that then walking him.
9:57- WOW! Fox didn't go to commercial while there was a pitching change! Maybe they're reading this blog and are coming around and not marketing 24/7!! Wait. . . they just did a promo for two movies. Nevermind.
10:01- I hate instant replay in sports. It's just something we don't need. To me, it absolutely kills football games. But, I think Hockey does a good job of it when they use it to see if a puck went into the goal. The one place I would be OK with seeing it in baseball is to determine if a ball is a HR or not.
10:14- This could be that error. Schilling rolls right through 2-3-4 and then Mueller does that.
10:27- I wonder why King is warming up in the BP if he isn't going to face Mueller, Bellhorn, Damon? 2 of the three are lefties and Bellhorn is a righty.
10:32- Cabrera has to be on 2nd. Stop watching your hit dude and get to 2nd base. That could cost Boston a run.
10:33- It does cost Boston a run. Was he running all the way on the fly ball? Nope, he was jogging. Speaking of that flyball. Edmonds has to catch that ball. The wind has been blowing in all game and he should know a ball like that will get hung up in it. A jump on a ball is the one play that is constantly missed by most fans/announcers. Edmonds catch in game 7 against the Astros was a heck of an effort. But, he got a bad jump and took a bad route to the ball. These things are rarely talked about and I'm sure Buck/McCarver will hardly even mention it.
10:42- Another great job of pitching by Schilling, well done. By the way, no bunts by the Card's tonight. Interesting. If the Card's lose today I wonder if their fans will blame the loss on not bunting the same way Yankee fans did.
10:46- She's keeping score, that's great. Not enough people (myself included) keep score at games anymore. I've really got to start doing that again.
10:53- Why is Marquis in the game? Isn't he supposed to be starting in the next day or two? To a point I like the way managers will use their pitchers to try and win games. But in the 7th? Using one of your starters? I don't like it.
10:55- Thanks Edmonds, you've proved my point. Now yes, that was a difficult catch he made. But, why couldn't he get all the way back to the wall and turn-around to make the catch? He just drifted and made it more difficult than it actually should have been. A guy like Mike Cameron is able to sprint to the spot and turnaround and make the easy catch. Plays like that don't get noticed. I used to watch him play a lot when I lived out in southern California and I've never been all that impressed. He's a darn good CF, but I think he's overrated.
11:01- Since when does Pokey hit for Bellhorn? Maybe you want to get him an AB in case you need him to hit down the road. But, I'd rather have Bellhorn in the game. Curious move by Francona.
11:04- This inning is probably the game as the Card's have the top of the order up. They need to get it done now. I'm sure Foulke will be ready at a moments notice.
11:05- That all for now folks, hope you enjoyed. Time to crawl into bed and see the way the rest of this game plays out.
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