ESPN has a great article (by great I meant the content, for whatever reason though I don't think it was edited. There are several mistakes.) by Chris Stevenson on the move of the Expos to Washington. Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about this. I am glad a decision has finally been made and the Expos have been moved because having them owned by MLB is just about a bad idea as you can come up with. Essentially, MLB has been running with 29 teams over the past couple of years. Their handling of this situation has been horrendous.
But, what really makes me mad is the way the city has been viewed. It's been a popular theme on SportsCenter for years to make fun of the small crowds in Montreal. But, what everyone doesn't remember, is that Montreal WAS a great city and STILL would be if they were given a chance. For close to 10 years now their have been rumors of this day. MLB as always floated stories out there predicting the demise of this once proud franchise. For the past 10 years as well the owners of the Expos have been awful. Bud Selig has clearly wanted this organization to fall. If you listen to Selig for 5 minutes you're sure to hear him say that the only way a team can survive is with a new stadium. For the most part I think this is crap. It's more negative marketing from the guy who is supposed to champion the game he represents. I don't think a new stadium was needed (though it wouldn't have hurt) to save the Expos but a commitment was. If Selig and his cronies ever decided to try and make baseball work in this city then there is no doubt in my mind things would have turned out better. But, Selig has had a plan for years now where he wanted to put baseball back into Washington and he was going to do it by any means necessary. Hence the sacrificing of the Expos and the unprecedented perks Peter Angelos is going to get from MLB.
Though a diehard Jays fan for as long as I can remember I've always had a special little place in my heart for the 'Spos. I'm sorry to see them go and I only can hope MLB baseball will make another commitment to them in the future. Because the city deserves it. One more thing, if you're a fan of the Blue Jays, A's, Marlins, D-Rays as well as a couple other small market teams and you're laughing at what happened. I wouldn't, you could be next.
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