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Friday, August 06, 2004

Back by popular demand (popular demand? Didn't you just start this site?) it's Tyler Haskins' game log!! Today's game is being played by the Evil Empire and the Jays. I've got a fridge full of Harp's and I'm ready to go. Today's game is brought to you by the Yankee propaganda engine - the YES network.

7:40- Got home a little late and all I missed was 7 runs and and two HR's. From what I've caught the Cat and Alex Rios got a couple of hits and Carlos hit the first pitch he saw into the RF stands. Looks like Matsui hit a 3-run shot and John Flaherty hit an RBI single for the Yankees.

7:43- Let's see if the Jays can answer back and score a couple off of Vazquez. Zaun bounces out to 2B. Man, I really thought we'd be able to deal this guy. He's been good and he's cheap. He's exactly the type of guy a contender should want. "Cough. . . Dodgers. . . Cough"

7:50- The dreamiest guy in NY Derek Jeter. Hell of a bunt by Jeter and a solid play by Hinske. Hinske's really gotten a lot better at 3B this year. Forget the improved error numbers (only 3 thus far). He's just played the position better. By the way, Jeter is not right. His hand is bothering him (last I heard he's got a broken bone in there somewhere) and I'll think we see him bunt a lot more for the rest of the season.

7:53- Ahhh. Pizza is here. Pizza. Beer. Baseball. Life is good.

7:55- Arod. I still can't believe this guy is playing 3B. Wow, heck of a play by Gomez. He's played a solid SS as we're waiting for Russ Adams to get up here.

7:58- And just as their contract demands the YES broadcast team talks about how often a guy (Gomez) makes a great play and then leads off the next inning like there's some kind of relationship between the two events. There are some cliche's baseball could do with out.

8:01- We're in the top of the third and Michael Kay hasn't trashed Moneyball. This must be a record. Give him another inning or two.

8:05- Matsui HR's. Really, this guy is having a much better season this year and last year he got all the hype. Double by Bernie. Great throw by Rios. Almost turned a double into an out and would have it Gomez would have held onto the ball. Kid can throw a seed out there.

8:08- Ground ball to 2B by Olerud. Here comes the productive out speech. "Olerud is such a great veteran. He just knows what to do in that situation." Ummm, how about he just got released by the last place Mariners and can't hit anymore.

8:10- This is wrong. Douglas is getting teed off on and Flaherty is bunting in the 3rd inning for a run. Wrong. Torre may deal with NY well but he isn't that great of an in-game manager.

8:11- Ridiculous!!!! Douglas just got tossed for hitting a guy in the shin with two strikes when he's been trying to give himself up. That might be the worst call I've ever seen!!! This guy should be fired. Thanks blue, because of you I've now got to clean the pizza off my wall as just wiped it across the room. I've been married a month and my wife is looking like she's about ready to divorce me.

8:17- It's nice to see Justin Miller back with the uniform on. We need him back throwing well.

8:18- I'm still angry. How do you toss a guy in a situation like that. Grrrrr!!!

8:23- Yup, wrist is killing Jeter. Good call T. At this pace the game may end Sunday morning.

8:26- Great. I'm 0-2. Someone want to tell my why Hinske just didn't step on 3rd. (Getting angry over here!)

8:28- Single for Matsui and 2 runs score. 10-3 Yanks (Drinking heavily now. "Honey, where do we keep the vodka?")

8:37- Hinske K's. I know he's been hitting better of late but I'm just not sure what to make of this guy. The guy hit 45 doubles last year in 449 AB's. I really thought he'd turn some of those into HR's this year. He OBP is down as well. Not a good sign.

8:39- Hell of a play by Hudson as he ranged to his right and threw out Olerud (never mind the fact that Olerud would lose a race to a stop sign). His hitting is extremely frustrating but he's flashed some good leather this year. Strike that. He's been good with the leather since he came up.

8:42- "Lord, grant me this one come back victory and I'll never ask for another. See, it's been a tough season for the Jays and all my friends are Yankee fans. That's a tough combination. A men."

8:49- Why is Chis Gomez leading off? Honestly, Tosca has some crazy lineup shenanigans (Tonight's Aflac trivia question. "I swear to God, I'll pistol wip the next guy that says shenanigans" What movie? Answer later tonight.) going on right now.

8:55- Hinske is playing a better 3B. But, he still throws the ball to first like he's scared out of his tree he's going to throw it away.

8:56- Honestly, Sheffield has one of the most violent swings in the league. I don't know how he doesn't throw his back out or drop a kidney or something. Regardless of the fact that he's a Yankee, he is one of my favorite players to watch hit though. Those hands are lightning quick.

9:00- Just hammered it. Another 2 hit game. I love Rios. I haven't been this impressed with a Blue Jay rookie since Juan Guzman came up. (Geez, I hope I didn't just jinx him.)

9:06- Nice, Kevin Frederick. . . Nasty slider. I think he'll be part of a real power bullpen for the Jays next year. I really like this guy.

9:10- Dude is dealing. He just made ARod and Matsui look pretty bad and popped out Bernie on a nice 3-1 pitch.

9:15- That was quick. Jays just went down 1-2-3 on 6 pitches. Bubba Crosby takes over in RF. I'm sure the rest of the scrubs for both teams aren't far behind.

9:27- Rios couldn't have played that double to RF any better. The throw to Hudson was perfect and Hudson's throw to home was perfect. Well done boys. Hit's for average, good arm, speed, WILL hit for power. Is there anything this kid can't do?

9:32- You know, Vazquez has looked good but not great. I live in south west CT and see lots of Yankee games but I haven't seen the dominant Vazquez that pitched in Montreal. Not sure what his deal is but he just hasn't been quiet as dominant.

9:36- I'm really disappointed with the way Speier has pitched. Had a good K/BB (66-23 in '03) ratio and a good ERA (4.05) in Colorado last year and I thought he'd be an asset to the pen this year. His stuff still looks pretty good but the numbers aren't there. I know it's a blowout but he's dealing right now. I'd like to see JP bring him back next year to see if he's a more positive contributor. With a 4.71ERA it shouldn't be too hard to bring him back relatively cheaply.

9:43- CJ Nitkowski. If you're a Yankee fan it must be nice to see any lefty on the mound but Felix Heredia.

9:46- Wait a minute. Since Douglas got tossed, shouldn't Nitkowski get tossed for hitting Hinske? Isn't that the rule?

9:48- Trivia answer: Super Troopers. Maybe the best comedy movie ever created.

9:49- Wow, just looked this up. Hinske is hitting .276/.331/.379 vs. lefties and .255/.324/.400 against righties this year. That is a lot better against lefties than I would have ever thought.

9:50- Reed Johnson grounds into a DP to end it. Wow, talk about a crappy game from a Jay perspective. Good game by Rios and some pretty good bullpen work but other than that, not good.