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Monday, October 25, 2004

I hadn't known this until now but catcher of the future Guillermo Quiroz is playing for the Zulia Aguilas in the Venezuelan League. Thus far he's hitting .299/.346/.576 with 11Hr's, 5 2B's and a 46-6 SO/BB ratio(!). It's good to see his power return but a 46-6 SO/BB ratio is a little hacktastic for my liking. I'd like to see him tone it down a little bit.

It also looks like Kevin Frederick is in Venezuela pitching for the Lara Cardinals. His line thus far is an unimpressive 8.44ERA in 10 2/3 innings with 9 SO's and 6 walks. I'll cut him a little slack as I'm sure it's tough to get used to a totally different culture but that's not the kind of performance you'd hope for from a Major League caliber arm.

That's all I know of. It would be nice to have a list of which players are where in the winter leagues so I could keep an eye on them. If anyone has one please send it on.