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Friday, August 06, 2004

The way tonight is going I hope my company covers carpal tunnel. Anyway, just caught word the Jays have traded Josh Phelps to the Indians for Eric Crozier who is a 26 year old 1B/OF type who hits from the lefthand side. More on him in a minute. My first reaction is wow, I really thought Phelps could have turned into something. He has Adam Dunn written all over him. I don't like this deal though. Phelps is hitting .188/.252/.290 vs RP and .321/.370/.633 vs LP so far this year which is not good. But, he has hit .272/.348/.518 vs RP and .297/.372/.450 vs LP for his career. He is still only 26 and isn't making much so I think it is a little early to give up on him. Why not wait until he gets hot and deal him for maximum value? He hasn't been in the lineup consistently in months. I just don't think you deal young power hitters who are making more or less the major league minimum. Delgado is clearly gone at the end of the year so who knows what the plan is at 1B. Though there will be a lot of people on the market I'm sure.

Onto Crozier. I don't like the deal because I don't think the Jays should have given up on Phelps so early but it does look like Crozier is a solid power guy who might just be a lefty version of Phelps. So far this year he's hit .294/.372/.568. He's got 20HR's and SO/BB ratio of 67-36. Early reports have him heading to Syracuse for now and might get a call in September. We'll see. Looks like the boy can hit though.

Last part to this deal is the Jays have called up Gabe Gross to replace Josh Phelps roster spot. He's hit the tar out of the ball lately in Syracuse so it's time to see what he's got. He's been dealing with a shoulder issue all year so I don't think we'll see him in the OF but we'll have to see. I'll be keeping a close eye on Gross and Crozier.