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Saturday, August 21, 2004

14 Runs! 14 Runs!! 14 Runs!!! For the first time since July 8th (10-8 win) when we beat the juggernaut that is the Seattle Mariners the Jays scored a double-digit number of runs. Mr. Rios went 2-6 with a double and Gabe Gross went 0-2 but with 3 walks. That's tasty. Thus far Gross and Rios have not set the world on fire but at the same time they have not sucked. Rios thus far is at .292/.334/.405 while Gross is at .235/.366/.382. Gross' walk rate is very encouraging. Let's keep throwing them out there every day to get them ready for 2005. I really like Reed Johnson but at this point the Jays need to figure out if these two guys can handle full time duty next year.

Speaking of next year. One of the guys I'd like to see the Jays pursue to play first base next year is Erubiel Durzao. He's hitting .325/.393/.533 this year and will be a free agent at the end of the season. His on-base skills would be nice to see in the lineup every day. The A's have a backlog of good young 1B/DH types at AAA and will probably let him walk.

That's all for now. Time to dial into MLBTV to watch David Bush do his thing against the O's. Go Jays!