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Sunday, August 15, 2004

In a sign that does not bode well for next year's payroll the Blue Jays attendance on a per game basis is down around 2,000 fans a game to a current average of 20,538. This is good for 29th in baseball. Last year with the SARS scare and all the Jays still managed to draw a better but not great 22,215. The Jays still have 3 games against the Red Sox and 7 games against the Yankees at home which will help these figures but it looks like after a nice improvement from 2002 to 2003 attendance will slide this year. Once Delgado's contract is off the books it will be interesting to see where Rogers sets the salary for next year. 2004 was supposed to be a year the Jays took a step forward and brought in some more fans but we all know the way things have turned out. An expansion of the budget plus the removal of Delgado's salary is going to give JP a lot of room to work with in 2005. I'll start to look at some of the players the Jays may bring in next year as this year comes to a close.