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Monday, August 16, 2004

The latest on the managerial search (Sacramento Bee, Oakland Tribune) has the Blue Jays focusing on Bob Green who is the current A's bullpen coach. I think it is still way to early to take any of the rumors seriously as most of the potential candidates, whoever they may be, are still under contract with their current club. I'm sure the Jays already have a list but we won't get an idea of who's on it until after the World Series.

It will be interesting to see who JP picks and how they turn out. Thus far, none of the new age (Yes I know this is the typical spot most writers would insert "Moneyball." But I refuse to put a label on any of these guys. I'm sick and tired of everything in baseball either being with Moneyball or against it. In my opinion both sides have lost sight of the goal and it's turned into a pissing match.) GM's have been very happy with their selections. There are complaints out of Oakland about Ken Macha, as well as Terry Francona in Boston and we all know what happened to Carlos Tosca.

My early inclination is that it will be a Major League guy. Not in the sense of digging up some old school baseball guy who's managed several teams before but in the sense the pick will have more experience running a big league club at the Major League level. An older guy who's a bench coach on a winning team is my guess. Bud Black wouldn't be a bad call. He's the current pitching coach for the Angels. We'll see.