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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hell of a job by David Bush last night. The kid went 7 innings giving up 8 hits and more important, struck out 7 and walked none. Remember, this was done against the best offense in the bigs. It's hard to get excited about a Blue Jay loss but a showing like this is extremely exciting. Halladay - Lilly - Batista - Bush is starting to look real good next year.

Minor League update: New Blue Jay Eric Crozier went 2-3 with a walk and an RBI for Syracuse. He's now 4-10 with 1HR, 1 2B and two walks. Pretty good start. Some of you have made reference to Phelps potential salary next year as a reason for the trade. That's probably true as he's eligible for arbitration and could be due a large increase in his salary. But, according to ESPN.com he's only making $344,000 this year and as bad as he's been I don't see him getting anything more than maybe $800,000, $1 million at the most. Knowing his minor league power numbers, I really don't think and additional $450K is much of a risk. The guy has power. I like Crozier but I think JP gave up on Phelps too early.

In New Hampshire, Aaron Hill continues his torrid hitting by going 2-2 with a walk last night. On the season he's now up to .283/.360/.394. He's not showing much for power but the average and ability to get on base is there. Combine his stats with the numbers for Russ Adams .274/.349/.385 and the Jays will have two middle infielders who can get on base at the top of their lineup for the next few years.

Speaking of Russ Adams. We can expect to see him get called up in September and for him to play a roll at SS next year. I think we'll see Chris Woodward get non-tendered and Chris Gomez will probably be brought back in to split some time with Adams until he's ready to take over the position every day. He's not going to be a star but I think he can be a good piece to the puzzle.