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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Couple random thoughts from last nights game:

  • Good to see Justin Miller back in the starting rotation. He had good movement on his sinker but he just didn't have control of all of his pitches. He's been out since May so that will come back.
  • Kevin Cash is a solid catcher. Calls a good game, blocks the ball well and has a great arm (That throw in the 7th was nasty. Quick feet and he just throws a seed. Nasty. He's going to have a long career as a 2nd string/defensive catcher). But. . . he can't hit his way out of a wet paper bag. He looks absolutely clueless up there. Sabathia was just chucking the ball by him.
  • Why am I so pumped about Alex Rios? Just watch a couple of his at bats. He understands the strike zone. He swings at hitters pitches and takes pitchers pitches. He's never had a high walk rate in the minors but man he has good AB's for a young kid. Good example? Try his AB in the 7th where he took three relatively close pitches to go to 3-0. Took a get me over fastball for strike one. Then just missed another fat fastball for strike 2. Fouled off another couple close pitches and then took an outside curve for a walk. Cash would never have an AB like this.
  • Speaking of good AB's. The Indians have great AB's. They make pitchers work and hit hitters pitches. That's what most people miss when they criticize "Moneyball." It's not about standing at the place with the bat on your shoulder waiting for a walk. It's about hitting strikes and not chasing pitches outside the zone. Just watch Edgar Martinez in Seattle. He'll go down 0-2, take three close pitches for balls. And then hit a 3-2 fastball for a double. That's hitting.
  • I'm not quite as high on Kevin Frederick as I was last week. He's still got some real good stuff but I'm starting to worry that all his pitches are the same speed. It's as if every pitch is between 85 and 90 MPH. I'm very interested to watch him pitch for the rest of the year.
  • I didn't realize Sabathia was such a headcase. The guy did a lot of walking around on the mound and a lot of cursing and swearing. He's got talent though.
  • How the heck did Justin Speier only have a 4.05 ERA at Coors field last year??? 66K's and only 23BB?? How did that happen??!! He's awful this year.
  • Finally. Is it just me or are Orlando Hudson's pants about 5 sizes too big?