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Monday, August 09, 2004

As some may have expected, the Toronto Blue Jays fired manager Carlos Tosca after Sunday's loss to the Yankees. To some this may have come as a surprise but to me I thought it was more of a question of when, not if. JP hinted at this at the beginning of the year when he said he wasn't sure if Tosca would be the right fit for the team when they were ready to compete. He was brought in to teach the younger kids and for the most part a lot of the younger guys have grown up.

For any of you who watched this weekend's games against the Yankees this may come as a welcome move as the Jays really did play awful. You'd think a bunch of guys (only Hinske, Wells, Batista, Lilly, Halladay and Lightenberg! are signed beyond this year) who are playing for a contract next year would play with a little more zest in front of a sold out crowd in NY. Guess not.

I really doubt John Gibbons is the answer as he will probably just captain the ship until the end of the year. This begs the question as to who is next in line to take over? The conversation won't turn serious until the off-season when replacements are more readily available. My guess, it will be someone with a little more experience as an in-game manager and someone with a more disciplinarian style. We shall have to see.

For now, we'll just have to sit back and hope the Jays can put together a solid seven or so weeks and JP can figure out who's going to contribute and who's not next year. It's good to see both Alex Rios and Gabe Gross up in the big show getting at bats. Why not get them broken-in this year in a less stressful situation.